New to First Baptist Church?
Thank you for visiting the First Baptist Church website. We hope that you find what you are looking for. Below are some frequently asked questions by those who are new to our church. If you have additional questions please contact us. We would love to hear from you.
Where does First Baptist Church meet?
Every Sunday morning we gather for Bible study and corporate worship at 2 East Moore Street in Bloomingdale, GA. We would love for you to join us on Sunday morning because this is the best way to find out more about us. For directions and service times click here.
What about my children?
From 9:45am-10:45am, we provide Sunday School classes for children of all ages. We would love to teach your children during this time while you attend a Bible Study with adults your age. We also provide Extended Care during our corporate worship gathering for children between the ages of 0-2 years old. Extended Care is located in our education building. For your child’s safety and your peace of mind, we conduct background checks and train all of our volunteers.
What should I expect on a Sunday morning?
The gospel of Jesus Christ is central to everything we do. So every Sunday we recall and celebrate what Jesus has done for us through his life, death, and resurrection. Our corporate worship gatherings include elements such as singing, public prayer, as well as reading and preaching the Scriptures. Our goal is to make much of God and hear him speak to us through his Word.
What should I wear?
We don’t have a dress code so you should wear whatever feels most comfortable. Most people who attend dress casually, but regardless of what you wear you will be welcomed. God is not concerned with the clothes on our backs; he is much more concerned with the attitudes and loyalties of our hearts.
What does First Baptist Church believe?
If you would like to know more about what we believe you can read our statement of faith here. If you have further questions regarding our beliefs please contact us.
How long has First Baptist Church been around?
A one-room schoolhouse that the Chatham County Board of Education had abandoned became the first church building. Located at the present site of the church, they purchased the property from the Chatham County Board of Education for $300.00. Ten charter members came together on November 5, 1926 to hold the first church service and constitute the church.
The church continued as a quarter-time church until 1948 when preaching services began to be conducted two Sundays per month. It was 1950 before the church had full-time preaching. The first education building was dedicated the first Sunday in October of 1954. The present sanctuary was completed in 1956.
Ministries have included a Day Care Center from 1971-1976 and a Preschool Ministry that began in September 1971 and continues to this day. Our church also houses the Bloomingdale Food Pantry, a ministry of several area churches.
In the late 1980’s the church had the opportunity to purchase the Christian Missionary Alliance Church property. It now houses our church’s kitchen, fellowship hall, and the weekday preschool. In June 1998 a ground breaking service was held to mark the beginning of a new office/educational building. The new building was completed for occupation in October 2003.