About FBC
The best way to find out more about us is to join us for corporate worship, Sunday school, or attend our Membership Matters class. In the meantime, below is some of the most important information about us. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
The Gospel
The gospel is the good news of what God has done for undeserving sinners through his Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible makes it clear that the gospel is the message of first importance (1 Cor. 15:3). As a result, all of our lives and ministries revolve around it. Ultimately, the gospel is what we are all about.
Learn more about the gospel.
Our Purpose
Life without a purpose is futile. Jesus Christ not only redeems us from our sin, but he also redeems our purpose for existence.
Our Beliefs
Belief always affects behavior. This is one reason why we are concerned with doctrine (i.e. teaching). As a church we subscribe to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 for our statement of faith since we believe this concisely and accurately explains what the Bible teaches regarding certain doctrines.
Learn more about our beliefs.
Our Covenant
Christianity is not simply affirming a set of doctrines. It also includes living in a manner pleasing to God as a result of what he has done for us in Christ. This is one reason we have a church covenant that all of our members affirm and strive to consistently live out.
Our Membership Process
In a culture that is afraid of commitment we recognize that membership may not be popular. However, we are convinced that it is biblical. Christians are not intended to do life alone. God’s plan is for them to commit to and participate in the life of a local church.
Learn more about our membership process.
Our Ministry Leaders
You can learn a lot about an organization by knowing its ministry leaders. Here is some information about those who lead different ministries in our church.
Learn more about our ministry leaders.